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Hikmicro Monokular Falcon FQ35 2.0

Produktnummer: 1235-100175
inkl. mva.

NB: Lagerstatus og priser gjelder for og dens hovedlagerbutikk - Jaktia Jessheim

Hikmicro Falcon termisk håndholdt monokular i ny utgave!

Hikmicro Falcon 2.0 har nå NETD <15mK, HSIS med 49" skjerm for klarere bilde og enda bedre opplevelse! Falcon 2.0 er enkel i bruk med fokushjul plassert bak, lav vekt gjør den enkel å ta med seg.

Thermal Module Falcon FQ50 2.0
Thermal Resolution 384 x 288, 12 µm
NETD Less than 15 mK
Refresh Rate Sensor 50Hz / OLED 50Hz
Lens (Focal Length) 35 mm
Detection Range 1800 m
Optical magnification 3,2
Field of view 7,5 x 5,7 o | 13,1 x 10,0 m
Aperture F 1.0
Image Display
Monitor 1920 x 1080, 0.49 inch OLED
Palettes Black Hot, White Hot, Red Hot, Fusion, Red Monochrome, Green Monochrome
FFC Auto, Manual, External Correction, Shutterless Image System (HSIS)
Digital Zoom 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x
Storage Built-in memory (64 GB)
Record Video Yes
Capture Snapshot Yes
Standby Mode Yes
Hotspot Yes
Hot Track Yes
Power Supply
Power 5 V, supports external power and direct charging
Battery Type Replaceable and Rechargeable 21700 Battery
Battery Capacity Display Yes
Battery Operation Time 8 hours
Protection Level IP67
Work Temperature  -30 ~ 55o
Dimension 191,3 x 70,4 x 63,7 mm
Weight (w/o batteries) 486 g
Min side